Pecinta seni selama berabad-abat terus berdebat soal senyum di wajah perempuan lukisan Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa. Muncul dugaan tokoh lukisan itu adalah pria.
Seorang ahli sejarah mengklaim model dalam karya Leonardo da Vinci adalah pria yang gemar merenung bernama Gian Giacomo Caprotti. Hidung dan mulut Caprotti memiliki kesamaan mencolok dengan Mona Lisa. Caprotti dikenal pula bernama Salai.
Silvana Vinceti, peneliti yang menganalisis lukisan menggunakan teknik pembesaran gambar mengklaim tanda ‘S’ di mata model menjadi penanda untuk Salai. Beberapa karya Leonardo seperti St John the Baptist dan Angel Incarnate berdasarkan keberadaan Salai.
Vinceti, presiden Komite Nasional Warisan Budaya Italia, mengatakan lukisan itu menggambarkan pria muda yang langsing, tampak seperti perempuan, berambut ikal pirang dan panjang serta raut wajah mirip Mona Lisa.
“Salai adalah model favorit Leonardo. Sebab itulah Leonardo memasukkan karakteristik Salai dalam versi terakhir Mona Lisa.”
Salai magang di tempat Leonardo da Vinci selama lebih dari dua dekade sejak 1490. Bahkan, dikabarkan keduanya menjalin cinta. Sebelumnya, beberapa ahli mengklaim lukisan Leonardo yang menakjubkan ini merupakan potret diri.

my ArtDesign II
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 9:30 am
this is my new artwork, for 21 june 20011...
I hope this will give a positive impression for you see... :)
I am very happy if you give suggestions and comments...
Or you can visit
I hope this will give a positive impression for you see... :)
I am very happy if you give suggestions and comments...
Or you can visit
Monday, 20 June 2011
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 7:27 am
A carousel (from French carrousel, from Italian carosello), or merry-go-round, is an amusement ride consisting of a rotating circular platform with seats for riders. The "seats" are traditionally in the form of rows of wooden horses or other animals mounted on posts, many of which are moved up and down via gearwork to simulate galloping, to the accompaniment of looped circus music. This leads to one of the alternative names, the galloper. Other popular names are roundabout and flying horses.
Carousels are commonly populated with horses, but may include diverse varieties of mounts, like pigs, zebras, tigers, mythological creatures (such as dragons, sea monsters or unicorns), and deer, to name a few. Sometimes, chair or bench-like seats are used as well, and occasionally mounts can be shaped like airplanes or cars.
Any rotating platform may also be called a carousel. In a playground, a roundabout or merry-go-round is usually a simple, child-powered rotating platform with bars or handles to which children can cling while riding. At an airport, rotating conveyors in the baggage claim area are often called carousels. Various photographic slide projectors, notably those made by Kodak until 2004, used rotating trays or magazines called carousels to hold the slides and were often known as "carousel projectors".
Carousels are commonly populated with horses, but may include diverse varieties of mounts, like pigs, zebras, tigers, mythological creatures (such as dragons, sea monsters or unicorns), and deer, to name a few. Sometimes, chair or bench-like seats are used as well, and occasionally mounts can be shaped like airplanes or cars.
Any rotating platform may also be called a carousel. In a playground, a roundabout or merry-go-round is usually a simple, child-powered rotating platform with bars or handles to which children can cling while riding. At an airport, rotating conveyors in the baggage claim area are often called carousels. Various photographic slide projectors, notably those made by Kodak until 2004, used rotating trays or magazines called carousels to hold the slides and were often known as "carousel projectors".
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