Mona Lisa
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 6:15 pm
Pecinta seni selama berabad-abat terus berdebat soal senyum di wajah perempuan lukisan Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa. Muncul dugaan tokoh lukisan itu adalah pria.
Seorang ahli sejarah mengklaim model dalam karya Leonardo da Vinci adalah pria yang gemar merenung bernama Gian Giacomo Caprotti. Hidung dan mulut Caprotti memiliki kesamaan mencolok dengan Mona Lisa. Caprotti dikenal pula bernama Salai.
Silvana Vinceti, peneliti yang menganalisis lukisan menggunakan teknik pembesaran gambar mengklaim tanda ‘S’ di mata model menjadi penanda untuk Salai. Beberapa karya Leonardo seperti St John the Baptist dan Angel Incarnate berdasarkan keberadaan Salai.
Vinceti, presiden Komite Nasional Warisan Budaya Italia, mengatakan lukisan itu menggambarkan pria muda yang langsing, tampak seperti perempuan, berambut ikal pirang dan panjang serta raut wajah mirip Mona Lisa.
“Salai adalah model favorit Leonardo. Sebab itulah Leonardo memasukkan karakteristik Salai dalam versi terakhir Mona Lisa.”
Salai magang di tempat Leonardo da Vinci selama lebih dari dua dekade sejak 1490. Bahkan, dikabarkan keduanya menjalin cinta. Sebelumnya, beberapa ahli mengklaim lukisan Leonardo yang menakjubkan ini merupakan potret diri.
Seorang ahli sejarah mengklaim model dalam karya Leonardo da Vinci adalah pria yang gemar merenung bernama Gian Giacomo Caprotti. Hidung dan mulut Caprotti memiliki kesamaan mencolok dengan Mona Lisa. Caprotti dikenal pula bernama Salai.
Silvana Vinceti, peneliti yang menganalisis lukisan menggunakan teknik pembesaran gambar mengklaim tanda ‘S’ di mata model menjadi penanda untuk Salai. Beberapa karya Leonardo seperti St John the Baptist dan Angel Incarnate berdasarkan keberadaan Salai.
Vinceti, presiden Komite Nasional Warisan Budaya Italia, mengatakan lukisan itu menggambarkan pria muda yang langsing, tampak seperti perempuan, berambut ikal pirang dan panjang serta raut wajah mirip Mona Lisa.
“Salai adalah model favorit Leonardo. Sebab itulah Leonardo memasukkan karakteristik Salai dalam versi terakhir Mona Lisa.”
Salai magang di tempat Leonardo da Vinci selama lebih dari dua dekade sejak 1490. Bahkan, dikabarkan keduanya menjalin cinta. Sebelumnya, beberapa ahli mengklaim lukisan Leonardo yang menakjubkan ini merupakan potret diri.
my ArtDesign II
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 9:30 am
this is my new artwork, for 21 june 20011...
I hope this will give a positive impression for you see... :)
I am very happy if you give suggestions and comments...
Or you can visit distiandark.deviantart.com
I hope this will give a positive impression for you see... :)
I am very happy if you give suggestions and comments...
Or you can visit distiandark.deviantart.com
Monday, 20 June 2011
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 7:27 am
A carousel (from French carrousel, from Italian carosello), or merry-go-round, is an amusement ride consisting of a rotating circular platform with seats for riders. The "seats" are traditionally in the form of rows of wooden horses or other animals mounted on posts, many of which are moved up and down via gearwork to simulate galloping, to the accompaniment of looped circus music. This leads to one of the alternative names, the galloper. Other popular names are roundabout and flying horses.
Carousels are commonly populated with horses, but may include diverse varieties of mounts, like pigs, zebras, tigers, mythological creatures (such as dragons, sea monsters or unicorns), and deer, to name a few. Sometimes, chair or bench-like seats are used as well, and occasionally mounts can be shaped like airplanes or cars.
Any rotating platform may also be called a carousel. In a playground, a roundabout or merry-go-round is usually a simple, child-powered rotating platform with bars or handles to which children can cling while riding. At an airport, rotating conveyors in the baggage claim area are often called carousels. Various photographic slide projectors, notably those made by Kodak until 2004, used rotating trays or magazines called carousels to hold the slides and were often known as "carousel projectors".
Carousels are commonly populated with horses, but may include diverse varieties of mounts, like pigs, zebras, tigers, mythological creatures (such as dragons, sea monsters or unicorns), and deer, to name a few. Sometimes, chair or bench-like seats are used as well, and occasionally mounts can be shaped like airplanes or cars.
Any rotating platform may also be called a carousel. In a playground, a roundabout or merry-go-round is usually a simple, child-powered rotating platform with bars or handles to which children can cling while riding. At an airport, rotating conveyors in the baggage claim area are often called carousels. Various photographic slide projectors, notably those made by Kodak until 2004, used rotating trays or magazines called carousels to hold the slides and were often known as "carousel projectors".
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 12:46 am
Anneliese Michel was a Catholic woman from Germany who was said to be possessed by six or more demons and subsequently underwent an exorcism in 1975. Annelise died from malnutrition and dehydration during the exorcism, and both her parents and two priests were charged with manslaughter resulting from negligence. Two motion pictures, The Exorcism of Emily Rose and Requiem are loosely based on Anneliese’s story. A recording of Anneliese’s exorcism is below. Anneliese is pictured to the right.
A boy identified by the pseudonym “Roland Doe” was the subject of an exorcism in 1949, which became the subject of The Exorcist, a horror novel and later film written by William Peter Blatty. Blatty heard about the case while he was a student in the class of 1950 at Georgetown University. The exorcism was partially performed in both Cottage City, Maryland and Bel-Nor, Missouri by Father William S. Bowdern, S.J. and a then Jesuit scholastic Fr. Walter Halloran, S.J.
Mother Teresa allegedly underwent an exorcism late in life under the direction of the Archbishop of Calcutta, Henry D’Souza, after he noticed she seemed to be extremely agitated in her sleep and feared she “might be under the attack of the evil one.”
A boy identified by the pseudonym “Roland Doe” was the subject of an exorcism in 1949, which became the subject of The Exorcist, a horror novel and later film written by William Peter Blatty. Blatty heard about the case while he was a student in the class of 1950 at Georgetown University. The exorcism was partially performed in both Cottage City, Maryland and Bel-Nor, Missouri by Father William S. Bowdern, S.J. and a then Jesuit scholastic Fr. Walter Halloran, S.J.
Mother Teresa allegedly underwent an exorcism late in life under the direction of the Archbishop of Calcutta, Henry D’Souza, after he noticed she seemed to be extremely agitated in her sleep and feared she “might be under the attack of the evil one.”
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 12:31 am
Exorcism (from Late Latin exorcismus, from Greek ἐξορκισμός, exorkismos - binding by oath) is the religious practice of evicting demons or other spiritual entities from a person or place which they are believed to have possessed. Depending on the spiritual beliefs of the exorcist, this may be done by causing the entity to swear an oath, performing an elaborate ritual, or simply by commanding it to depart in the name of a higher power. The practice is quite ancient and part of the belief system of many cultures and religions.
According to the Oxford Reference Online an exorcism is the driving out of a dybbuk, demons, or evil spirits; the belief that a holy man can order the expulsion of evil spirits that have invaded a place or body of a person is ancient.Different types of exorcisms and rituals can be seen throughout different faiths too. Requested and performed exorcisms occurred rarely until the 1900’s where the public saw a sharp rise due to the media attention exorcisms were getting. There was “a 750% increase in the number of Exorcisms performed between the early 1960’s and the mid 1970’s”
In Islam, exorcism is called ruqya. It is used to repair the damage caused by sihr or witchcraft. It consists of reciting some specific verses from the Quran which glorify God (e.g The Throne Verse (Arabic: آية الكرسي Ayatul Kursi), and invoke God's help. In some cases, the adhan (the call for daily prayers) is also read, as this has the effect of repelling non-angelic unseen beings or the jinn.
The Islamic prophet Muhammad taught his followers to read the last three suras from the Quran, Surat al-Ikhlas (The Fidelity), Surat al-Falaq (The Dawn) and Surat al-Nas (Mankind).
In Catholic christianity, exorcisms are performed in the name of Jesus Christ A Distinction is made between a formal exorcism, which can only be conducted by a priest during a Baptism or with the permission of a Bishop, and "prayers of deliverance" which can be said by anyone.The Catholic rite for a formal exorcism, called a "Major Exorcism", is given in Section 13 of the Rituale Romanum. The Ritual lists guidelines for conducting an exorcism, and for determining when a formal exorcism is required. Priests are instructed to carefully determine that the nature of the affliction is not actually a psychological or medical illness before proceeding.
Josephus reports exorcisms performed by administering poisonous root extracts and others by making sacrifices.They mention that exorcisms were done by the Essene branch of Judaism (Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran).In more recent times, Rabbi Yehuda Fetaya authored the book Minchat Yahuda, which deals extensively with exorcism, his experience with possessed people, and other subjects of Jewish thought. The book is written in Hebrew and was translated into English.
According to the Oxford Reference Online an exorcism is the driving out of a dybbuk, demons, or evil spirits; the belief that a holy man can order the expulsion of evil spirits that have invaded a place or body of a person is ancient.Different types of exorcisms and rituals can be seen throughout different faiths too. Requested and performed exorcisms occurred rarely until the 1900’s where the public saw a sharp rise due to the media attention exorcisms were getting. There was “a 750% increase in the number of Exorcisms performed between the early 1960’s and the mid 1970’s”
In Islam, exorcism is called ruqya. It is used to repair the damage caused by sihr or witchcraft. It consists of reciting some specific verses from the Quran which glorify God (e.g The Throne Verse (Arabic: آية الكرسي Ayatul Kursi), and invoke God's help. In some cases, the adhan (the call for daily prayers) is also read, as this has the effect of repelling non-angelic unseen beings or the jinn.
The Islamic prophet Muhammad taught his followers to read the last three suras from the Quran, Surat al-Ikhlas (The Fidelity), Surat al-Falaq (The Dawn) and Surat al-Nas (Mankind).
In Catholic christianity, exorcisms are performed in the name of Jesus Christ A Distinction is made between a formal exorcism, which can only be conducted by a priest during a Baptism or with the permission of a Bishop, and "prayers of deliverance" which can be said by anyone.The Catholic rite for a formal exorcism, called a "Major Exorcism", is given in Section 13 of the Rituale Romanum. The Ritual lists guidelines for conducting an exorcism, and for determining when a formal exorcism is required. Priests are instructed to carefully determine that the nature of the affliction is not actually a psychological or medical illness before proceeding.
Josephus reports exorcisms performed by administering poisonous root extracts and others by making sacrifices.They mention that exorcisms were done by the Essene branch of Judaism (Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran).In more recent times, Rabbi Yehuda Fetaya authored the book Minchat Yahuda, which deals extensively with exorcism, his experience with possessed people, and other subjects of Jewish thought. The book is written in Hebrew and was translated into English.
Cross of St. Peter
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 11:23 am
"Peter cross" redirects here. For other uses see Peter Cross (disambiguation)
"Inverted cross" redirects here. For the gymnastics move, see Rings (gymnastics)
The Cross of St. Peter or Petrine Cross is an inverted Latin cross traditionally used as a Christian symbol, but in recent times also used widely as an anti-Christ symbol (a meaning which is not valid with respect to traditional conventions of Christian symbolism).
In Christianity
Crucifixion of St. Peter by Caravaggio
Peter's Cross on a Lutheran Church
The origin of this symbol comes from the Catholic tradition that Simon Peter was crucified upside down, as told by Origen of Alexandria. The tradition first appears in the "Martyrdom of Peter", a fragmented text found in, but likely predating, the apocryphal Acts of Peter, which was written no later than 200 A.D. It is believed that Peter requested this form of crucifixion as he felt he was unworthy to be crucified in the same manner that Christ died (upright). As such, some Catholics use this cross as a symbol of humility and unworthiness in comparison to Christ.
According to Roman Catholicism, the Pope is Peter's successor as Bishop of Rome. Therefore the Papacy is often represented by symbols that are also used to represent Peter — one example being the Keys of Heaven, another the Petrine Cross. During Pope John Paul II's visit to Israel, he sat on a chair with the Cross of Peter cut into the back.
The inverted cross is also one of the traditional symbols used by Petrine Orthodox Sebomenoi.
Satanic and anti-Christian imagery
It has also often become associated with Satanic and anti-religious attitudes, as it is considered to represent the opposite of Christianity by inverting its primary symbol, the Latin Cross. As a result, this symbol has become very popular within anti-religion groups and among some extreme metal musicians, notably black metal ones. In popular culture, including films such as Rosemary's Baby, Exorcist: The Beginning and The Omen, Petrine Crosses are often displayed to represent Satan. Coincidental with this Satanic imagery, not only is Saint Peter the source of the inverted cross symbolism in Christianity, but Jesus once referred to Peter as "Satan", when he said to him "Get behind me, Satan! You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.", in Mark 8:33 (see vade retro satana).
In Roman Catholicism the Petrine Cross is not seen as Satanic in any way. However, an inverted crucifix (a Latin cross with an artistic depiction of the crucified body of Christ upon it) is seen as immensely disrespectful, and could be used to represent Satanic forces.[citation needed] The distinction between a Cross of Peter and upturned Crucifix is sometimes obscured, leading to confusion about the acceptability of each symbol. This was seen when controversy arose over the aforementioned Papal visit to Israel; pictures of the Pope sitting before a Petrine Cross were widely circulated on the Internet in an attempt to prove that the Catholic Church is associated with Satanism and the Antichrist.
"Inverted cross" redirects here. For the gymnastics move, see Rings (gymnastics)
The Cross of St. Peter or Petrine Cross is an inverted Latin cross traditionally used as a Christian symbol, but in recent times also used widely as an anti-Christ symbol (a meaning which is not valid with respect to traditional conventions of Christian symbolism).
In Christianity
Crucifixion of St. Peter by Caravaggio
Peter's Cross on a Lutheran Church
The origin of this symbol comes from the Catholic tradition that Simon Peter was crucified upside down, as told by Origen of Alexandria. The tradition first appears in the "Martyrdom of Peter", a fragmented text found in, but likely predating, the apocryphal Acts of Peter, which was written no later than 200 A.D. It is believed that Peter requested this form of crucifixion as he felt he was unworthy to be crucified in the same manner that Christ died (upright). As such, some Catholics use this cross as a symbol of humility and unworthiness in comparison to Christ.
According to Roman Catholicism, the Pope is Peter's successor as Bishop of Rome. Therefore the Papacy is often represented by symbols that are also used to represent Peter — one example being the Keys of Heaven, another the Petrine Cross. During Pope John Paul II's visit to Israel, he sat on a chair with the Cross of Peter cut into the back.
The inverted cross is also one of the traditional symbols used by Petrine Orthodox Sebomenoi.
Satanic and anti-Christian imagery
It has also often become associated with Satanic and anti-religious attitudes, as it is considered to represent the opposite of Christianity by inverting its primary symbol, the Latin Cross. As a result, this symbol has become very popular within anti-religion groups and among some extreme metal musicians, notably black metal ones. In popular culture, including films such as Rosemary's Baby, Exorcist: The Beginning and The Omen, Petrine Crosses are often displayed to represent Satan. Coincidental with this Satanic imagery, not only is Saint Peter the source of the inverted cross symbolism in Christianity, but Jesus once referred to Peter as "Satan", when he said to him "Get behind me, Satan! You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.", in Mark 8:33 (see vade retro satana).
In Roman Catholicism the Petrine Cross is not seen as Satanic in any way. However, an inverted crucifix (a Latin cross with an artistic depiction of the crucified body of Christ upon it) is seen as immensely disrespectful, and could be used to represent Satanic forces.[citation needed] The distinction between a Cross of Peter and upturned Crucifix is sometimes obscured, leading to confusion about the acceptability of each symbol. This was seen when controversy arose over the aforementioned Papal visit to Israel; pictures of the Pope sitting before a Petrine Cross were widely circulated on the Internet in an attempt to prove that the Catholic Church is associated with Satanism and the Antichrist.
Black Roses
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 10:24 am
Black roses (roses of black color) do not exist in nature as such, but nevertheless have been created in laboratories. Botanists have manipulated roses' genes through preliminary cross breeding, creating a hybrid black rose. They are often featured in fiction with many different meanings and titles such as black magic, barkarole, black beauty Tuscany superb, black Jade and baccara and death varieties of roses. The flowers commonly called black roses are actually a very dark red color. Some roses are called black, but are actually just a dark shade of red, purple, or maroon. To deepen a color of a rose place a dark rose in a vase of water mixed with black ink.
The black rose is a rarely used symbol of the anarchist movement.
Black Rose Books is the name of the Montreal anarchist publisher and small press imprint headed by the libertarian-municipalist/anarchist Dimitrios Roussopoulos. One of the two anarchist bookshops in Sydney is Black Rose Books [1], which has been around in various guises since 1982. Black Rose was the title of a respected journal of anarchist ideas published in the Boston area during the 1970s, as well as the name of an anarchist lecture series addressed by notable anarchist and libertarian socialists (including Murray Bookchin and Noam Chomsky) into the 1990s.
The black rose is a rarely used symbol of the anarchist movement.
Black Rose Books is the name of the Montreal anarchist publisher and small press imprint headed by the libertarian-municipalist/anarchist Dimitrios Roussopoulos. One of the two anarchist bookshops in Sydney is Black Rose Books [1], which has been around in various guises since 1982. Black Rose was the title of a respected journal of anarchist ideas published in the Boston area during the 1970s, as well as the name of an anarchist lecture series addressed by notable anarchist and libertarian socialists (including Murray Bookchin and Noam Chomsky) into the 1990s.
Marilyn Manson
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 8:00 am
Brian Hugh Warner (born January 5, 1969), better known by his stage name Marilyn Manson, is an American musician and artist known for his controversial stage persona and image as the lead singer of the eponymous band, Marilyn Manson. His stage name was formed from juxtaposing the names of two 1960s American cultural icons, namely, actress Marilyn Monroe and convicted multiple murder mastermind. Charles Manson as a critical and, simultaneously, laudatory appraisal of America and its peculiar culture.He has a long legacy of being depicted in the media as a detrimental influence on young people. The seemingly outrageous styles for which he models and the controversy surrounding his lyrics have led to his very pronounced public appeal.
He was born in Canton, Ohio, the only child of Barb (née Wyer) and Hugh Warner. Manson is of German descent on his father's side, and is a fourth cousin twice removed of Conservative commentator Pat Buchanan.
marilyn without make up
As a child, he attended his mother's Episcopalian church, though his father was Catholic. Warner attended Heritage Christian School from first grade to tenth grade. He later transferred to Cardinal Gibbons High School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Manson graduated from high school in 1987, and became a student at Broward Community College in 1990. He was working towards a degree in journalism and gaining experience in the field by writing music articles for a South Florida lifestyle magazine, 25th Parallel. He would soon meet several of the musicians to whom his own band would later be compared, including My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails.
For a more comprehensive list, see Marilyn Manson discography.
* Portrait of an American Family (1994)
* Antichrist Superstar (1996)
* Mechanical Animals (1998)
* Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death) (2000)
* The Golden Age of Grotesque (2003)
* Eat Me, Drink Me (2007)
* The High End of Low (2009)
He was born in Canton, Ohio, the only child of Barb (née Wyer) and Hugh Warner. Manson is of German descent on his father's side, and is a fourth cousin twice removed of Conservative commentator Pat Buchanan.
marilyn without make up
As a child, he attended his mother's Episcopalian church, though his father was Catholic. Warner attended Heritage Christian School from first grade to tenth grade. He later transferred to Cardinal Gibbons High School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Manson graduated from high school in 1987, and became a student at Broward Community College in 1990. He was working towards a degree in journalism and gaining experience in the field by writing music articles for a South Florida lifestyle magazine, 25th Parallel. He would soon meet several of the musicians to whom his own band would later be compared, including My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails.
For a more comprehensive list, see Marilyn Manson discography.
* Portrait of an American Family (1994)
* Antichrist Superstar (1996)
* Mechanical Animals (1998)
* Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death) (2000)
* The Golden Age of Grotesque (2003)
* Eat Me, Drink Me (2007)
* The High End of Low (2009)
Anton LaVey history
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 6:30 am
Anton Szandor LaVey (April 11, 1930 – October 29, 1997), born Howard Stanton Levey, was the founder of the Church of Satan as well as a writer, occultist, and musician. He was the author of The Satanic Bible and the founder of LaVeyan Satanism, a synthesized system of his understanding of human nature and the insights of philosophers who advocated materialism and individualism, for which he claimed no supernatural, metaphysical, or theistic inspiration.
Beginnings as a Satanist
In 1951 LaVey sought out a branch of the 'Order of Thelema' (i.e. Ordo Templi Orientis) in Berkeley. He was reportedly disappointed to find them so mystically-minded. A few years earlier he had ordered most of Aleister Crowley's books from his American follower John Whiteside Parsons. When John Symond's biography of Crowley, The Great Beast came out in 1952, LaVey concluded that the Thelemites founder was a druggy poseur whose greatest achievements were as a poet and a mountain-climber.
Church of Satan
LaVey began presenting Friday night lectures on occult and rituals. A member of this circle suggested that he had the basis for a new religion. On Walpurgisnacht, April 30, 1966, he ritualistically shaved his head in the tradition of ancient executioners, declared the founding of the Church of Satan and proclaimed 1966 as "the year One", Anno Satanas—the first year of the Age of Satan. Media attention followed the subsequent Satanic wedding ceremony of radical journalist John Raymond to New York socialite Judith Case on February 1, 1967. The Los Angeles Times and San Francisco Chronicle were among the newspapers that printed articles dubbing him "The Black Pope". LaVey performed Satanic baptisms (including one for Zeena) and Satanic funerals (including one for naval machinist-repairman third-class Edward Olsen, complete with a chrome-helmeted honor guard), and released a record album entitled The Satanic Mass.
Anton LaVey died on October 29, 1997, in St. Mary's Medical Center in San Francisco of pulmonary edema. He was taken to St. Mary's, a Catholic hospital, because it was the closest available. For reasons open to speculation, the time and date of his death was incorrectly (by two days) listed as the morning of Halloween on his death certificate. A secret Satanic funeral, attended by invitation only, was held in Colma.[citation needed] LaVey's body was cremated, with his ashes eventually divided among his heirs as part of a settlement.
Beginnings as a Satanist
In 1951 LaVey sought out a branch of the 'Order of Thelema' (i.e. Ordo Templi Orientis) in Berkeley. He was reportedly disappointed to find them so mystically-minded. A few years earlier he had ordered most of Aleister Crowley's books from his American follower John Whiteside Parsons. When John Symond's biography of Crowley, The Great Beast came out in 1952, LaVey concluded that the Thelemites founder was a druggy poseur whose greatest achievements were as a poet and a mountain-climber.
Church of Satan
LaVey began presenting Friday night lectures on occult and rituals. A member of this circle suggested that he had the basis for a new religion. On Walpurgisnacht, April 30, 1966, he ritualistically shaved his head in the tradition of ancient executioners, declared the founding of the Church of Satan and proclaimed 1966 as "the year One", Anno Satanas—the first year of the Age of Satan. Media attention followed the subsequent Satanic wedding ceremony of radical journalist John Raymond to New York socialite Judith Case on February 1, 1967. The Los Angeles Times and San Francisco Chronicle were among the newspapers that printed articles dubbing him "The Black Pope". LaVey performed Satanic baptisms (including one for Zeena) and Satanic funerals (including one for naval machinist-repairman third-class Edward Olsen, complete with a chrome-helmeted honor guard), and released a record album entitled The Satanic Mass.
Anton LaVey died on October 29, 1997, in St. Mary's Medical Center in San Francisco of pulmonary edema. He was taken to St. Mary's, a Catholic hospital, because it was the closest available. For reasons open to speculation, the time and date of his death was incorrectly (by two days) listed as the morning of Halloween on his death certificate. A secret Satanic funeral, attended by invitation only, was held in Colma.[citation needed] LaVey's body was cremated, with his ashes eventually divided among his heirs as part of a settlement.
Antichrist Superstar
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 6:26 am
Antichrist Superstar is the second full-length studio album by American rock band Marilyn Manson. It was released on October 8, 1996 by Interscope Records. It is a rock opera concept album and the first installment in a trilogy that includes Mechanical Animals and Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death). It spawned three singles (The Beautiful People, Tourniquet and Man That You Fear). Antichrist Superstar is currently the band's longest running studio album.
The record also raised public awareness of the band, turning them into a household name. This led to numerous protests from religious and civic groups such as the American Family Association due to the band's anti-Christian stance. It was produced by the band's frontman and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails. The album has sold over 7 million copies worldwide with 1.9 million of those copies being sold in the United States alone.
The record also raised public awareness of the band, turning them into a household name. This led to numerous protests from religious and civic groups such as the American Family Association due to the band's anti-Christian stance. It was produced by the band's frontman and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails. The album has sold over 7 million copies worldwide with 1.9 million of those copies being sold in the United States alone.
Satanic Bible
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 9:29 am
The Satanic Bible, after the introductions by other authors, is divided into four books: the Book of Satan, the Book of Lucifer, the Book of Belial, and finally the Book of Leviathan. LaVey seems to have taken this hierarchy from The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, in which these four demons serve as the chiefs of Hell.
The Infernal Diatribe introduces Satanism in dramatic fashion: through the verse of Ragnar Redbeard in Might is Right. Anton LaVey chose segments from different sections of Might is Right, and made slight changes to the verse to amend what he perceived as errors in logic or consistency with Might is Right. As Anton LaVey stated in his introduction to later editions of Might is Right, he found both considerable inspiration and glaring errors in that book, which made it, taken part by part, incompatible with his Satanic philosophy; it was instead the broader message that he found appealing, and the passages selected and changes made to best capture what he found appealing in Might is Right. The Book of Satan was also recited by LaVey in ritual ceremonies, in part or in whole, and his recording of The Satanic Mass includes a full recitation of The Book of Satan.
The Book of Satan is symbolically associated with the element of Fire.
The Infernal Diatribe introduces Satanism in dramatic fashion: through the verse of Ragnar Redbeard in Might is Right. Anton LaVey chose segments from different sections of Might is Right, and made slight changes to the verse to amend what he perceived as errors in logic or consistency with Might is Right. As Anton LaVey stated in his introduction to later editions of Might is Right, he found both considerable inspiration and glaring errors in that book, which made it, taken part by part, incompatible with his Satanic philosophy; it was instead the broader message that he found appealing, and the passages selected and changes made to best capture what he found appealing in Might is Right. The Book of Satan was also recited by LaVey in ritual ceremonies, in part or in whole, and his recording of The Satanic Mass includes a full recitation of The Book of Satan.
The Book of Satan is symbolically associated with the element of Fire.
some people say its Vampire History.. Maybe..
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 8:33 am
Vampir adalah tokoh dalam mitologi dan legenda yang hidup dengan memakan intisari kehidupan (biasanya dalam bentuk darah) dari makhluk hidup lain. Meskipun kepercayaan terhadap setan penghisap darah terdapat dalam berbagai budaya dan telah ada sejak zaman kuno, istilah vampir sendiri baru populer pada awal abad ke-18 setelah masuknya legenda vampir ke Eropa Barat dari daerah Balkan dan Eropa Timur.
Di daerah-daerah tersebut juga terdapat legenda mengenai makhluk-makhluk seperti vampir, misalnya vrykolakas di Yunani dan strigoi di Rumania yang juga ikut meningkatkan kepercayaan vampir di Eropa. Vampir dalam legenda Balkan dan Eropa Timur memiliki penampilan yang beragam (mulai dari makhluk mirip manusia sampai mayat hidup) sedangkan di Eropa Barat, vampir digambarkan sebagai makhluk yang berpenampilan rapi dan mewah. Adalah cerita The Vampyre (1819) karangan John Polidori yang membentuk citra tersebut. Karya tersebut dianggap sebagai karya tentang vampir yang paling berpengaruh di awal abad ke19 dan telah mengilhami karya-karya selanjutnya seperti Varney the Vampire dan bahkan Dracula.
Di daerah-daerah tersebut juga terdapat legenda mengenai makhluk-makhluk seperti vampir, misalnya vrykolakas di Yunani dan strigoi di Rumania yang juga ikut meningkatkan kepercayaan vampir di Eropa. Vampir dalam legenda Balkan dan Eropa Timur memiliki penampilan yang beragam (mulai dari makhluk mirip manusia sampai mayat hidup) sedangkan di Eropa Barat, vampir digambarkan sebagai makhluk yang berpenampilan rapi dan mewah. Adalah cerita The Vampyre (1819) karangan John Polidori yang membentuk citra tersebut. Karya tersebut dianggap sebagai karya tentang vampir yang paling berpengaruh di awal abad ke19 dan telah mengilhami karya-karya selanjutnya seperti Varney the Vampire dan bahkan Dracula.
Just Some Artwork
Friday, 22 April 2011
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 4:22 am
Hi guys... :D,
:* thanks for stopping here
this is some of my work.
I studied at Design School. And I really like working in the field of art.
then there was a work that I make....
:* thanks for stopping here
this is some of my work.
I studied at Design School. And I really like working in the field of art.
then there was a work that I make....
what is "GOTH"?
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 9:28 pm
Apa gothic?
Pertanyaan ini tentu saja tidak dijawab dalam satu kalimat. Sudah jelas bahwa gothic tidak hanya tentang musik, itu adalah gaya hidup, sensibilitas tertentu.
Ada sebagian pihak yang menganggap gothic untuk keren-kerenan saja. Lewat gothic mereka ingin dianggap hebat, dianggap “wah”, dianggap punya kekuasaan. Di Indonesia masih terdapat distorsi about gothic. Masih banyak yang sedikit tahu tentang gothic dan menjadi seorang gothess hanya untuk terlihat keren, wah dan beda, dijadikan sebagai publisitas diri. Sehingga masih banyak pula masyarakat yang perpandangan ‘miring’ about gothic karena para gothess yang asal gothess dalam berpenampilan dan berperilaku.
Menurut Collins Cobuild Dictonary Bahasa Inggris, kata "gothic" digunakan dalam tiga cara. Pertama-tama, 'memiliki bangunan seperti katedral yang gothic gaya arsitektur yang dibedakan oleh pilar tinggi, langit-langit kubah dan lengkungan tinggi menunjuk. " Lebih jauh lagi, 'gothic digunakan untuk menggambarkan cerita yang aneh, petualangan misterius terjadi di tempat-tempat gelap dan sepi seperti reruntuhan benteng. " Gothic juga 'gaya mencetak atau menulis huruf sangat meriah."
Kata 'gothic' ini sangat tua, dan digunakan dari Renaissance untuk menandakan gaya seni Abad Pertengahan. Sejarah gothic berasal dari nama suku bangsa jerman terutama bagian timur,visigoth, yang juga adalah saudara sub suku (biasa di sebut sub tribes) dari suku ostrogoth namun kemudian existensi ostrogoth menjadi misteri. , Suku Jerman pernah menyerbu Italia ketika putus dengan Kekaisaran Romawi. Pada abad ke -15, banyak orang yang ingin memunculkan ga ya klasik. Namun banyak orang italia yang tidak setuju karena merusak kekaisaran romawi.
Pada tahun sekitar 1800, banyak orang merasa tertarik untuk masa lalu dan kebangkitan hal gothic dan abad pertengahan masuk ke mode. pada tahun 1800, banyak produksi novel bernuansa gelap dan aneh, mereka mencampur dengan nuansa horor, teror, dan misterius dengan karakter khas ada lah seorang vampire.
Selama tahun 1980-an gothik style muncul kembali. Punk yang menonjol ketika abad 70-an ketika ada alternatif budaya khas non-konformis. Mungkin gothic datang sebagai semacam reaksi terhadap punk, pada saat yang sama sekelompok orang banyak yang bertukar selera tertentu. Musik merayakan suara, gelap, sisi gelap hidup dan memiliki daya tarik yang berbeda dengan kematian, sering digambarkan sebagai melankolis, murung, bahkan mengerikan Mereka terpesona oleh budaya gothic yang baru.
Sulit untuk memberikan tanggal pasti kelahiran gothic. Pada akhir dari banyak kelompok 70 yang baru muncul dengan suara agak gelap dan / atau gambar. Untuk menyebutkan beberapa: The Cure, Siouxsie, dan Banshees, The Damned, Adam & Ant, Ultravox, Killing Joke, The Sound, Angel Comsat dan Joy Division.Their New Wave atau musik pop gelap banyak mempengaruhi orang-orang yang kemudian menyebut dirinya gothic. Mungkin lagu gothic pertama sebenarnya adalah `Bela Lugosi mati 'oleh Bauhaus. Cerita berlanjut bahwa gothic berasal dari klub London gua kelelawar, tapi ketika klub ini dibuka pada tahun 1981, gothic sudah baik dalam perjalanan. Tapi band yang dilakukan di sana, seperti plum Perawan dan Orang Asing Pecandu Seks dengan citra horor mereka, membantu untuk menyebarkan gerakan ini.
Pertanyaan ini tentu saja tidak dijawab dalam satu kalimat. Sudah jelas bahwa gothic tidak hanya tentang musik, itu adalah gaya hidup, sensibilitas tertentu.
Ada sebagian pihak yang menganggap gothic untuk keren-kerenan saja. Lewat gothic mereka ingin dianggap hebat, dianggap “wah”, dianggap punya kekuasaan. Di Indonesia masih terdapat distorsi about gothic. Masih banyak yang sedikit tahu tentang gothic dan menjadi seorang gothess hanya untuk terlihat keren, wah dan beda, dijadikan sebagai publisitas diri. Sehingga masih banyak pula masyarakat yang perpandangan ‘miring’ about gothic karena para gothess yang asal gothess dalam berpenampilan dan berperilaku.
Menurut Collins Cobuild Dictonary Bahasa Inggris, kata "gothic" digunakan dalam tiga cara. Pertama-tama, 'memiliki bangunan seperti katedral yang gothic gaya arsitektur yang dibedakan oleh pilar tinggi, langit-langit kubah dan lengkungan tinggi menunjuk. " Lebih jauh lagi, 'gothic digunakan untuk menggambarkan cerita yang aneh, petualangan misterius terjadi di tempat-tempat gelap dan sepi seperti reruntuhan benteng. " Gothic juga 'gaya mencetak atau menulis huruf sangat meriah."
Kata 'gothic' ini sangat tua, dan digunakan dari Renaissance untuk menandakan gaya seni Abad Pertengahan. Sejarah gothic berasal dari nama suku bangsa jerman terutama bagian timur,visigoth, yang juga adalah saudara sub suku (biasa di sebut sub tribes) dari suku ostrogoth namun kemudian existensi ostrogoth menjadi misteri. , Suku Jerman pernah menyerbu Italia ketika putus dengan Kekaisaran Romawi. Pada abad ke -15, banyak orang yang ingin memunculkan ga ya klasik. Namun banyak orang italia yang tidak setuju karena merusak kekaisaran romawi.
Pada tahun sekitar 1800, banyak orang merasa tertarik untuk masa lalu dan kebangkitan hal gothic dan abad pertengahan masuk ke mode. pada tahun 1800, banyak produksi novel bernuansa gelap dan aneh, mereka mencampur dengan nuansa horor, teror, dan misterius dengan karakter khas ada lah seorang vampire.
Selama tahun 1980-an gothik style muncul kembali. Punk yang menonjol ketika abad 70-an ketika ada alternatif budaya khas non-konformis. Mungkin gothic datang sebagai semacam reaksi terhadap punk, pada saat yang sama sekelompok orang banyak yang bertukar selera tertentu. Musik merayakan suara, gelap, sisi gelap hidup dan memiliki daya tarik yang berbeda dengan kematian, sering digambarkan sebagai melankolis, murung, bahkan mengerikan Mereka terpesona oleh budaya gothic yang baru.
Sulit untuk memberikan tanggal pasti kelahiran gothic. Pada akhir dari banyak kelompok 70 yang baru muncul dengan suara agak gelap dan / atau gambar. Untuk menyebutkan beberapa: The Cure, Siouxsie, dan Banshees, The Damned, Adam & Ant, Ultravox, Killing Joke, The Sound, Angel Comsat dan Joy Division.Their New Wave atau musik pop gelap banyak mempengaruhi orang-orang yang kemudian menyebut dirinya gothic. Mungkin lagu gothic pertama sebenarnya adalah `Bela Lugosi mati 'oleh Bauhaus. Cerita berlanjut bahwa gothic berasal dari klub London gua kelelawar, tapi ketika klub ini dibuka pada tahun 1981, gothic sudah baik dalam perjalanan. Tapi band yang dilakukan di sana, seperti plum Perawan dan Orang Asing Pecandu Seks dengan citra horor mereka, membantu untuk menyebarkan gerakan ini.
Satanic Holidays
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 5:38 am
The most important holiday in Satanism is one's own birthday, as it is the birthdate of one's own god. This is a reminder that the Satanist, committed to true "vital existence", should consider himself (or herself) the most important person in his own life. LaVey recommends that a Satanist celebrate his own birthday in any way he chooses, with as much pomp and ceremony as he sees fit. The Satanic celebration of one's birthday can thus be seen as something of a "Black Mass", by redirecting to oneself the sanctimony and celebration typically reserved for the many "high holy days" commemorating the births of key gods or saints in other religions.
Three Satanic holidays are named by Anton LaVey in The Satanic Bible but are not considered sacred.
One among these holidays is Walpurgisnacht, which in addition to the occult significance the date carries, also marks the formation of the Church of Satan in the year 1966, or I A. S. (Anno Satanas, "In the year of Satan"). This date is commonly celebrated by Satanists with private or group rituals, and private parties or family celebrations to commemorate the foundation of the Church of Satan.
LaVey also mentions the summer and winter solstices, and the spring and fall equinoxes as lesser holidays. These are likewise often celebrated by ritual or private party. However, they are sometimes also used to substitute popular holidays that Satanists wish to avoid imparting a Christian overtone to but still wish to celebrate in some form.
Halloween is very commonly celebrated by Satanists, but typically there is far less occult significance attached to the date by Satanists than the public might imagine. Halloween is a popular date for both private and group ritual ceremonies, but also a popular date for Satanists to hold private parties for no other purpose than to enjoy the dark fun that is commonly celebrated on that date by the public at large. If anything, Satanists seem to take a sense of irony and humor in the holiday.[citation needed]
Satanism does not specifically forbid the celebration of any holidays or festivals held by other cultures or even other religions. Entirely secular holidays are commonly celebrated by Satanists either for personal reasons or merely as an excuse to have a good time. It is not entirely uncommon for Satanists to even celebrate overtly Christian holidays such as Christmas, though the religious trappings are generally stripped from the holiday, secularizing it. Many Satanists, however, either transfer such holidays as Christmas to the Winter Solstice and either place a darker spin on it or secularize it entirely, or decline to celebrate such holidays altogether.
Of recent note, June 6, 2006 marked a Satanic High Mass in Hollywood, California by the Church of Satan. This celebration was by invitation only and limited to 100 attendees, and was held in large part to mock the superstitious fear of the date by the public. The date 06/06/06 does not hold special religious significance in Satanism, nor does the number 666. The event was documented, and many members of the Church of Satan were interviewed, by the BBC with permission.
Three Satanic holidays are named by Anton LaVey in The Satanic Bible but are not considered sacred.
One among these holidays is Walpurgisnacht, which in addition to the occult significance the date carries, also marks the formation of the Church of Satan in the year 1966, or I A. S. (Anno Satanas, "In the year of Satan"). This date is commonly celebrated by Satanists with private or group rituals, and private parties or family celebrations to commemorate the foundation of the Church of Satan.
LaVey also mentions the summer and winter solstices, and the spring and fall equinoxes as lesser holidays. These are likewise often celebrated by ritual or private party. However, they are sometimes also used to substitute popular holidays that Satanists wish to avoid imparting a Christian overtone to but still wish to celebrate in some form.
Halloween is very commonly celebrated by Satanists, but typically there is far less occult significance attached to the date by Satanists than the public might imagine. Halloween is a popular date for both private and group ritual ceremonies, but also a popular date for Satanists to hold private parties for no other purpose than to enjoy the dark fun that is commonly celebrated on that date by the public at large. If anything, Satanists seem to take a sense of irony and humor in the holiday.[citation needed]
Satanism does not specifically forbid the celebration of any holidays or festivals held by other cultures or even other religions. Entirely secular holidays are commonly celebrated by Satanists either for personal reasons or merely as an excuse to have a good time. It is not entirely uncommon for Satanists to even celebrate overtly Christian holidays such as Christmas, though the religious trappings are generally stripped from the holiday, secularizing it. Many Satanists, however, either transfer such holidays as Christmas to the Winter Solstice and either place a darker spin on it or secularize it entirely, or decline to celebrate such holidays altogether.
Of recent note, June 6, 2006 marked a Satanic High Mass in Hollywood, California by the Church of Satan. This celebration was by invitation only and limited to 100 attendees, and was held in large part to mock the superstitious fear of the date by the public. The date 06/06/06 does not hold special religious significance in Satanism, nor does the number 666. The event was documented, and many members of the Church of Satan were interviewed, by the BBC with permission.
The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 5:35 am
1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
3. When in another’s home, show them respect or else do not go there.
4. If a guest in your home annoys you, treat them cruelly and without mercy.
5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
6. Do not take that which does not belong to you, unless it is a burden to the other person and they cry out to be relieved.
7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.
8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
9. Do not harm young children.
10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them.
2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
3. When in another’s home, show them respect or else do not go there.
4. If a guest in your home annoys you, treat them cruelly and without mercy.
5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
6. Do not take that which does not belong to you, unless it is a burden to the other person and they cry out to be relieved.
7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.
8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
9. Do not harm young children.
10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them.
The Nine Satanic Statements
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 5:32 am
1# Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence
2# Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams
3# Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit
4# Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates
5# Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek
6# Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires
7# Satan represents man as just another animal (sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all fours), who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all.
8# Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification
9# Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years
2# Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams
3# Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit
4# Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates
5# Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek
6# Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires
7# Satan represents man as just another animal (sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all fours), who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all.
8# Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification
9# Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years
Philosophy of Satanic
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 5:27 amFundamental individualism
Satanism is often mistaken as being a religion that encourages cruelty and irresponsible behaviour, but LaVey's brand is very different, although appearing to promote extreme violence in certain situations (for example, "When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them"), it is generally considered to be more of an emotional and intellectual violence (like through the performance of a destruction ritual) rather than physical violence. Central is the idea that an individual must enforce their own meaning on life and rise above the perceived conformity of the masses. The Satanist is seen as equivalent to Friedrich Nietzsche's Übermensch; LaVey claimed "Satanists are born, not made" and that "[Satanists] have a disease called independence that needs to be recognized just like alcoholism." There are progressive and libertarian elements here; diversity is encouraged, everyone is expected to discover his own sexuality, chart his own personality, and decide their own ambitions in life. In this stress on individuality, Satanism is considered a "Left-Hand Path" religion.
Satanism and self-transformation
Adherents to "life-denying" religions are often regarded as self-abnegating in their devotion to their own servility. LaVey's Satanic creed viewed religion as promoting an impersonal relationship with what the churches referred to as "God". Satanism was presented as an opportunity to self-identify with one's own concept of God. Great attention was paid to details gleaned from noir films like White Heat and The Big Sleep in creating one's ideal Self from deliberately invoked forms. Satanism encourages a follower of the religion to grow throughout their life as they see fit.
Satanic Virtue
Lex Talionis, or "The Law of Reprisal" (from the Latin lex/legis (f.), "law", and talio, -onis (f.), "retaliation", "rejoinder") informed much of LaVey's Satanic formulation. "Do unto others as they do unto you" supplanted the directive to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", so that you are only to give compassion and sympathy to those who deserve it. It is a reactive rule, compared with the Christian proactive rule; by the rule, love, compassion, and sympathy are not to be wasted upon "ingrates"; these are to be given only to those who the practitioner feels deserves them. The religion of Satanism, as LaVey espouses it, is centered almost exclusively upon the concept of being one's own god; as such, values and attachments such as love, affection, and caring, along with opposing concepts such as hate and wrath, are to be disseminated at the discretion of the individual Satanist. As such, it is the individual's responsibility (and not that of a god, or the fault of any devil) to both justify and accept the consequences of their actions. LaVey felt that intelligent and strong people spent too much time caring for psychic vampires — weak individuals who always demanded attention and care, yet would never give any back. He taught that Satanists should strive to remove themselves as much as possible from such people in order to live in accordance to their instincts and individual wills.
satanic church
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Diposkan oleh distiandark di 5:54 pm
Gereja Setan didirikan di San Fransisco, California, pada malam Walpurgis 30 April 1966 (on the last night of April, 1966) oleh Anton Szandor LaVey. Anton LaVey menjadi Pendeta Tinggi gereja ini sampai kematiannya pada tahun 1997.
Pada tahun 1950-an, Anton LaVey membentuk sebuah kelompok yang dinamakan The Order of the Trapezoid, yang kemudian berubah menjadi badan pengurus Gereja Setan. Orang-orang yang terlibat dalam aktivitas LaVey meliputi Carin de Plessen (yang tumbuh di Istana Kerajaan Denmark), Dr. Cecil Nixon (ahli sulap, eksentris, and penemu automaton), sutradara Kenneth Anger, Asesor kota Russell Wolden, Donald Werby, antropolog Michael Harner, dan penulis Shana Alexander. Kolega LaVey lainnya pada saat itu meliputi penulis fiksi horor dan fiksi ilmiah Anthony Boucher, August Derleth, Robert Barbour Johnson, Reginald Bretnor, Emil Petaja, Stuart Palmer, Clark Ashton Smith, Forrest J. Ackerman, dan Fritz Leiber Jr.
Pada tahun 1975, LaVey menciptakan kontroversi dalam Gereja Setan itu sendiri dengan menghilangkan sistem "Grotto" Gereja dan mengeluarkan orang-orang yang dia anggap menggunakan Gereja ini sebagai prestasi di dunia luar. Pada saat yang sama, LaVey menjadi lebih selektif dalam menerima wawancara. Aktivitas yang "tertutup" ini kemudian menyebabkan rumor bahwa Gereja ini telah tutup atau LaVey telah mati.
Pada tahun 1980-an, umat Kristen, para ahli terapi yang terspesialisasi dalam pemulihan ingatan, dan media massa mengungkit-ungkit kembali konspirasi kejahatan yang berhubungan dengan Gereja Setan. Anggota-anggota Gereja Setan seperti Peter H. Gilmore, Peggy Nadramia, Boyd Rice, Adam Parfrey, Diabolos Rex, dan King Diamond, aktif dalam media massa untuk membantah tuduhan atas aktivitas kriminal tersebut. FBI kemudian mengeluarkan laporan resmi yang membantah teori konspirasi kriminal itu. Fenomena ini kemudian dikenal sebagai “The Satanic Panic”.
Pada tahun 1980-an dan 1990-an, Gereja Setan dan para anggotanya sangat aktif dalam memproduksi film-film, musik, dan majalah-majalah yang berhubungan dengan Setanisme.
Pendeta Tinggi Peter H. Gilmore.
Setelah kematian Anton Szandor LaVey, posisinya sebagai kepala Gereja Setan diteruskan oleh istrinya, Blanche Barton. Barton tetap terlibat dalam aktivitas Gereja ini; namun pada tahun 2001 ia menyerahkan posisinya kepada Peter H. Gilmore dan Peggy Nadramia. Kantor pusat Gereja Setan juga dipindahkan dari San Fransisco ke New York City. Gereja Setan tidak mengakui organisasi-organisasi lainnya sebagai pemegang sah setanisme, namun mengakui bahwa seseorang tidaklah harus menjadi anggota Gereja Setan untuk menjadi seorang Satanis.
Banyak figur-figur publik yang secara publik menjadi anggota Gereja Setan, meliputi Kenneth Anger, King Diamond, Teresa Hidy, David Vincent, Marilyn Manson, Aaron Joehlin, Boyd Rice, Marc Almond, gitaris Alkaline Trio Matt Skiba dan drummer Derek Grant, pegulat profesional Balls Mahoney, Sterling James Keenan, jurnalis Michael Moynihan, pianis Liberace, gitaris Matthew McRaith, dan Sammy Davis Jr.[2] Oleh karena Gereja Setan tidak pernah membeberkan informasi keanggotaannya secara publik, tidak diketahui berapa banyak anggota Gereja ini.
Pada tahun 1950-an, Anton LaVey membentuk sebuah kelompok yang dinamakan The Order of the Trapezoid, yang kemudian berubah menjadi badan pengurus Gereja Setan. Orang-orang yang terlibat dalam aktivitas LaVey meliputi Carin de Plessen (yang tumbuh di Istana Kerajaan Denmark), Dr. Cecil Nixon (ahli sulap, eksentris, and penemu automaton), sutradara Kenneth Anger, Asesor kota Russell Wolden, Donald Werby, antropolog Michael Harner, dan penulis Shana Alexander. Kolega LaVey lainnya pada saat itu meliputi penulis fiksi horor dan fiksi ilmiah Anthony Boucher, August Derleth, Robert Barbour Johnson, Reginald Bretnor, Emil Petaja, Stuart Palmer, Clark Ashton Smith, Forrest J. Ackerman, dan Fritz Leiber Jr.
Pada tahun 1975, LaVey menciptakan kontroversi dalam Gereja Setan itu sendiri dengan menghilangkan sistem "Grotto" Gereja dan mengeluarkan orang-orang yang dia anggap menggunakan Gereja ini sebagai prestasi di dunia luar. Pada saat yang sama, LaVey menjadi lebih selektif dalam menerima wawancara. Aktivitas yang "tertutup" ini kemudian menyebabkan rumor bahwa Gereja ini telah tutup atau LaVey telah mati.
Pada tahun 1980-an, umat Kristen, para ahli terapi yang terspesialisasi dalam pemulihan ingatan, dan media massa mengungkit-ungkit kembali konspirasi kejahatan yang berhubungan dengan Gereja Setan. Anggota-anggota Gereja Setan seperti Peter H. Gilmore, Peggy Nadramia, Boyd Rice, Adam Parfrey, Diabolos Rex, dan King Diamond, aktif dalam media massa untuk membantah tuduhan atas aktivitas kriminal tersebut. FBI kemudian mengeluarkan laporan resmi yang membantah teori konspirasi kriminal itu. Fenomena ini kemudian dikenal sebagai “The Satanic Panic”.
Pada tahun 1980-an dan 1990-an, Gereja Setan dan para anggotanya sangat aktif dalam memproduksi film-film, musik, dan majalah-majalah yang berhubungan dengan Setanisme.
Pendeta Tinggi Peter H. Gilmore.
Setelah kematian Anton Szandor LaVey, posisinya sebagai kepala Gereja Setan diteruskan oleh istrinya, Blanche Barton. Barton tetap terlibat dalam aktivitas Gereja ini; namun pada tahun 2001 ia menyerahkan posisinya kepada Peter H. Gilmore dan Peggy Nadramia. Kantor pusat Gereja Setan juga dipindahkan dari San Fransisco ke New York City. Gereja Setan tidak mengakui organisasi-organisasi lainnya sebagai pemegang sah setanisme, namun mengakui bahwa seseorang tidaklah harus menjadi anggota Gereja Setan untuk menjadi seorang Satanis.
Banyak figur-figur publik yang secara publik menjadi anggota Gereja Setan, meliputi Kenneth Anger, King Diamond, Teresa Hidy, David Vincent, Marilyn Manson, Aaron Joehlin, Boyd Rice, Marc Almond, gitaris Alkaline Trio Matt Skiba dan drummer Derek Grant, pegulat profesional Balls Mahoney, Sterling James Keenan, jurnalis Michael Moynihan, pianis Liberace, gitaris Matthew McRaith, dan Sammy Davis Jr.[2] Oleh karena Gereja Setan tidak pernah membeberkan informasi keanggotaannya secara publik, tidak diketahui berapa banyak anggota Gereja ini.
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